When a playspace needs that extra element of AMAZING!
[button link=”https://www.moduplay.com.au/skytowers-inspiration-book/” bg_color=”#0063b3″ window=”yes”]See SkyTowers Inspiration Book[/button]
Since 2014 Moduplay has been building awesome Skytowers that have become the focal point of many amazing play spaces around Australia.
Pioneering the concept of super high play structures for public play spaces was a brave move by Moduplay that is now emulated across Australia and the globe by other builders of play, small and large. When we proposed the first Skytower in 2014 it was a huge challenge for our designers to deliver a project of that scale whilst ensuring 100% compliance with the Australian Safety Standards.

In 2015 we delivered our first 9.6m Skytower to Stuart Park, Wollongong for Wollongong City Council. Since then a multitude of successful Skytower projects have been completed, providing the thrill of a giant tower climb to thousands of adventurous children across Australia.
This 26 page Inspiration Book is a walk through of some recent projects and demonstrates the iconic play structure the Moduplay Skytower has become!
Our Team would love to chat with you about any projects requiring the best Skytower options.