Sustainability & Innovation
Most of the coloured play equipment you see is coated with polyester powdercoating. Powdercoating is a process that applies the...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
In Australia, 86% of our people live within 50km of the coast. The density of our population gets even greater...
Play & Development
It’s probably hard to believe for kids growing up now… … but there was a time when climbing in trees...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
Save time and money by identifying and ordering your playground spare parts online You can purchase play equipment spare parts...
Play & Development
Playtime for all ages All children and their parents need to play outside to grow and develop properly. Play shouldn’t be just...
Play & Development
We like kids to take risks when they play. It teaches them so much. But note, there is a big...
Sustainability & Innovation
Over the last 29 years, since Moduplay was established, we have seen the Nature Play concept come and go several...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
From 3D visuals to reality – we do that every day Seeing how your new playground is going to look...
Play & Development
It doesn’t matter whether your town or city has a population of 5,000,000 or 500 – every child has the...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
Introducing, Moduplay’s new SPECTRA range! Are you ready for lift-off? The NEW Moduplay Spectra brings a new dimension and unfamiliar...
Success Stories & Insights
It’s always great to see a well-used play space be brought back to life! Integral Energy Park is a well-loved...
Success Stories & Insights
Moduplay designs, engineers and manufactures its products in Australia using the latest technology and manufacturing processes. Located only 30 minutes...
Inclusive & Community Spaces
Wollongong City Council successfully opened their newest play space at Ray Crump Oval, Primbee to a large cheer from...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
Have you decided to take on the responsibility of installing your own playground equipment? We’ve put some tips together to...
Success Stories & Insights
Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley & Member for Kiama Gareth Ward were on hand to officially open the newly...
Play & Development
There is a renewed interest, awareness and priority being given to children’s play. The world over. Of course, it’s a...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
Fundraising for new playground equipment or a new play area? Raising the necessary funds for the building of a new...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
Inclusive Sand & Water – an Australian first! The designs of the new range of Inclusive Sand and Water Play come...
Inclusive & Community Spaces
Nature Play gives kids a rare sense of freedom and allows kids to explore their limits in a structured and...
Play & Development
At what cost do we keep developing smaller and smaller house lots? Have you ever noticed that suburbs 5-10 years...
Success Stories & Insights
The new 1.5 acre play space at Strathfield Park was opened in September 2017 and what an amazing event it...
Play & Development
I remember reading an article a while ago that pointed out that the big difference between traditional play, that many of...
Play & Development
Moduplay designs, engineers and manufactures its products for councils, schools and anywhere that children gather, in Australia using the latest...
Play & Development
We’re sure that over the years your parents have said (or yelled) the words “go play outside” more than once....
Playground Design & Planning Resources
In May 2017 Moduplay completed the installation of the new state of the art playground in Marapikurrinya Park, Port Hedland....
Play & Development
Spatial awareness is the ability of a child to understand where they are in relation to objects or where objects...
Play & Development
Last week I visited a Community Hall in a rural town where our customer wants a variety of Moduplay products installed. But...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
Safety Surfacing, often referred to as 'Soft-Fall', is an important part of your playground design and there are many factors...
Playground Design & Planning Resources
The Moduplay Skytower at Stuart Park, Wollongong has become “the playground to go to” for children and families from all over the Illawarra...
Why play is critical in the “Imagination Economy” For our children to thrive in the ‘imagination economy’ of the future we must...
Inclusive & Community Spaces
This is a question we are often asked by school principals and school fundraising committees. The truth is there is...