1 moduplay.com.au SkyTowers bring children’s imaginations to life. Clambering up a Fortress, a tall Treehouse, a Lighthouse or a grand Medieval Castle all become the “reality” in children’s minds as they play. Awesome tube slides provide the excitement and anticipation of where they will come out down below. Screams of delight and laughter fill the air as they twist and twirl all the way down. Every child loves to get up high and see the world around them. SkyTowers have been built to encourage this innate desire in children, building their confidence and self-esteem as they see how far they’ve climbed. Since 2014 Moduplay has been building awesome SkyTowers that have become the focal point of many amazing play spaces around Australia. Pioneering the concept of super high play structures for public play spaces was a brave move by Moduplay... but the kids of Australia and the world have been the winners with the mega SkyTower concept taking off globally since! Here's a walk through and inspiration from some of our recent projects. Our Team would love to chat with you about any projects requiring the best SkyTower options. moduplay.com.au 1800 806 145 info@moduplay.com.au