Moduplay_Playground Planning Guide

5 © Copyright 2021 Moduplay Group Pty Ltd BESPOKE PLAY STRUCTURES Bespoke Play Structures are designed and built for a specific project to offer a special play experience. With the increased emphasis on getting people (especially children) outdoors and active there is more funding being channelled to the creation of outstanding play experiences that become destinations in and of themselves. These are the scale of projects where bespoke play structures are specially designed and engineered to provide a play experience that is totally unique to that location. These can include massive rope play structures, custom built theme play units such as large boats or aviation themed play, tall towers that offer extensive climbing, viewing platforms and sliding and much more. Often these bespoke play structures will reflect some local history or relate to nearby geographic points of interest. 1. Unique play structures offer unique play experiences. Children are not only attracted to play at these locations but these unique experiences help to build their self-confidence, resilience, physical strength and of course give the sheer fun of playing on an amazing play structure. 1. Being mostly one of a kind these play structures cost more to build. There are no shortcuts with safety and proper engineering will often be a significant cost contributor to the design and build process. 2. Maintenance and spare parts can be more expensive than the same for traditional equipment. Especially if the bespoke play unit has been built by an inexperienced provider that has not utilised any common parts or methodologies during the manufacture. 2. These playgrounds often become talking points regionally, nationally and even internationally in turn attracting visitors that support the local economy. Advantages Disadvantages RIVERBEND PARK | LAUNCESTON, TAS