Moduplay Catalogue 9th Edition
With every playground there is a “community” that’s involved. It may be the children of a school for a new school play area or an entire local community for a neighbourhood park. We can help you through the discovery phase or you can do it alone, but the important thing is to realise that discovery is vital. You need to actively discover what the users really want by asking questions and listening carefully to the answers. There are some valuable survey and feedback tools available from Moduplay to help you get results in an easy to manage way. Contact your Moduplay Design Consultant for free copies of the Discovery Tools . Once you have completed the Discovery phase you will have buy-in from the play area community . This helps you greatly in the Design phase as you work with them to create a play area design that really fits all the requirements you have discovered. From this you can prepare a list of requirements and some “wish lists” that will allow suppliers and contractors to work with you to provide cost estimates. Refer to the free Playground Planning tools from Moduplay for estimate sheets , budgeting tools and project timeline charts to allow you to schedule all of the necessary activities to bring it all together. With the right tools, it’s easy. When you’ve finalised the plans and agreed on costs you are ready to start the Delivery phase. Placing orders, having the required equipment manufactured, managing the installation and putting a maintenance program in place are all demanding but satisfying roles. With the help of our experienced Playground Design Consultants and the free planning tools it is well within the capacity of anybody that is willing to put in the required effort. You can go it alone and we’ll support you all the way, or we can manage the entire process to ensure you get the Best Possible Outcome and make this project an outstanding success! 1. iscovery 2. esign 3. elivery Ask questions, listen and discover Plan, estimate, budget and schedule Order, manufacture, build and maintain 7 PRODUCT CATALOGUE CATALOGUE
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