Moduplay Catalogue 9th Edition

What are the "real and tangible benefits" to you? Moduplay 6 Guarantee System This includes the Compliance Guarantee, Durability Guarantee, Backup Guarantee, Spare Parts Guarantee , the Environmental Guarantee and the Local Manufacture Guarantee. Moduplay Care Plan The before, during and after program that gives you complete assurance that your Moduplay playground project will run to plan and will deliver an exceptional outcome for you and the children in your care! Moduplay Quality Checklist It’s like a health check on a playground from a materials point of view! We know you need value for money but there are some things you simply must know about the way a playground should be built so it can deliver on what you expect of it. There’s another benefit of working with Moduplay that may not be so obvious… When you support Moduplay you are literally creating jobs in Australia… and these are skilled jobs using the latest technology to produce global quality play equipment. We’ve invested heavily in IT and automated machinery to reduce the laborious tasks of our manufacturing processes which means we can be more efficient, more productive and more competitive… and, in turn, we can offer secure employment to our team. When you invest with Moduplay for your new play area project you trigger a flow-on effect that truly benefits Australians, and eventually flows right through to ultimately benefit you and your own family. 9 PRODUCT CATALOGUE CATALOGUE